Author Archives: Michael Katz

Goodrich & Associates

Beware the Risks Your Business Can’t Transfer (October 2022)

Every business faces risk. Fortunately, some of these risks can be transferred, primarily through various types of insurance. Many other types of risk cannot, and so the business owner is stuck with them. In today’s newsletter, in which I use business interruption as an example, I explain how to identify non–transferable risk and offer suggestions regarding what to do about it. Read more…

Goodrich & Associates

How to Liquidate a Business (August 2022)

Having to liquidate a business — for whatever reason — is rarely a happy event for its owners. However, if and when that day arrives, there are several things to keep in mind to ensure the best possible outcome. Today’s newsletter considers the available options and offers tips for managing the process as painlessly and effectively as possible. Read more…

Goodrich & Associates

Are You Making Real Money? (July 2022)

Every business needs to “make money.” But the term itself can mean many different things, depending upon the measures used and the circumstances involved. In today’s newsletter, we explain the concepts underlying this term and offer suggestions for making sure you are applying them accurately in the way you make decisions and measure your success. Read more…